Crop Fertility Specialists’ Rossville, Indiana, Location Completes Indiana’s 4R Certification Program ROSSVILLE, IND. - The 4R Nutrient Stewardship Certification Program has announced that Crop Fertility Specialists’ facility in Rossville, Indiana, is among the first four retailers in the state to achieve 4R certified status. The facility was a participant in the Indiana 4R Certification Pilot Audit Program, which help shaped the standards and audit process for Indiana’s 4R Certification Program. 4R is a voluntary certification program that provides a science-based framework for plant nutrition management and sustained crop production, while considering individual farms' needs. “We participated in the 4R Certification program because not only is it the right thing to do for today, but it is also the right thing to do for tomorrow,” said Rod Miller, location leader at Crop Fertility Specialists. “At CFS, we are a company that prides itself on strengthening our community - not only do we work here, we live here and raise our families here. This is why the 4R program is essential to ensuring we as agriculturists make decisions for the long term; our families and fellow community members look to us for advice and trust that we will provide recommendations that are both economical as well as environmentally sound. Using the Right Source, with the Right Rate, at the Right Time, and at the Right Place ensures that the decisions we make today are the right decisions for generations to follow.” The program certifies that nutrient service providers and agricultural retailers in Indiana - who apply or make recommendations on how nutrients should be applied to crops - are doing so in accordance with 4R Nutrient Stewardship principles: using the Right Source of Nutrients at the Right Rate and Right Time in the Right Place. Program participants must go through an annual, independent, third-party audit and demonstrate that they not only understand 4R principles, but also follow them. “The 4R Certification program is an ongoing effort for the agricultural industry to support clean water, healthy crops and to and we are proud of the continued commitment shown by Indiana’s agribusiness and conservation community,” said Carrie-Vollmer Sanders, Nutrient Stewardship Council chairwoman. “4R nutrient management brings value to ag retailers, their farmers, and their community,” said Ben Wicker, chair of the Indiana Nutrient Stewardship Council. “Congratulations to Crop Fertility Specialists’ Rossville, Indiana, location for stepping up to demonstrate their commitment to the 4Rs by becoming one of Indiana’s first 4R Certified locations.” The 4R Nutrient Stewardship Certification Program is governed and guided by the Nutrient Stewardship Council, a diverse set of stakeholders from business, government, university and non-governmental sectors with a common goal of maintaining agricultural productivity while also improving soil health and water quality. The program is administered by the Agribusiness Council of Indiana. For more information, visit