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Statement from ACI President and CEO Bruce Kettler on Indiana Reaching 700,000 4R Certified Acres

From ACI President and CEO Bruce Kettler: "Reaching this significant milestone of 700,000 4R Certified acres in Indiana is huge. Farmers in Indiana and across the United States continue to find new and more efficient ways to utilize inputs for their crops. The service providers that work alongside farmers making crop nutrient recommendations know that they must make those recommendations while considering the farmer’s goals for production, sustainability and profitability. They adhere to a rigorous and science-based approach and implement best practices that enhance cropping systems and will provide economic, social and environmental benefits for all communities in Indiana. We are proud of these trusted advisors that are setting a strong example for our industry."

ACI President Amy Cornell on the Implementation of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement

ACI President Amy Cornell on the implementation of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA):

“ACI is grateful to President Trump, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for their efforts to ensure that North American markets remain open and fair.

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